Endgame ARG Wiki

Original Link

Posted on 31 October 2014


barking _ dogs. I

my frequency radiance. chokehold

to angrier science. o

gigantic jesters want. aneurysm

_ mark cypher. sergeants

_ grating a

Hint 1

Ignore the content of the words and think instead what each word could be and what is the _ and were the dots are placed

Hint 2

If you got 6 terms now think of what they could and remember this was published on Halloween night


Count the number of letters in each word, the _ = 0 and leave the dots.

704.1  298.9   277.1  874.8  046.9  071

Each one of these numbers correspond to a number in the list of International Classification of Diseases    

704.1       Hirsutism

298.9       Unspecified psychosis

277.1       Disorders of porphyrin metabolism

874.8       Other and unspecified parts, without mention of complication

046.9       Unspecified slow virus infection of central nervous system

071           Rabies

All these together could be symptoms that are seen in stories about monsters



The audio in Greetings

Extra notes[]

  • After the content of the solution was posted Greg Jordan posted the following

"Good job +Daniel Richter ... Looks like you made some new friends! Heheh. Hey Stella, looks like I'm not the only one pointing out the obvious around here. :D"