Endgame ARG Wiki


Posted 7th November 2014


Those hours that with gentle work did frame

I all alone beweep my outcast state,

But then begins a journey in my head

The world will wail thee like a makeless wife,

Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

And though they be outstripped by every pen,

The age to come would say this poet lies,

Which steals men's eyes and women's souls amazeth.

Mark how one string sweet husband to another,

Calls back the lovely April of her prime,

Him in thy course untainted do allow,

As tender nurse her babe from faring ill.

Be not self-willed for thou art much too fair,

Thy end is truth's and beauty's doom and date.

Easy as 123.

Hint 1

Try and find the source of each line and see where they are located in their origin.

Hint 2

Notice Stella mentions 123. Try and relate this with what you have already.


Each line corresponds to a Shakespeare Sonnet, with line 1 being line 1 of that sonnet , line 2 being line 2 of that sonnet , etc

Sonnet 5: Line 1

Sonnet 29: Line 2

Sonnet 27: Line 3

Sonnet 9: Line 4

Sonnet 18: Line 5

Sonnet 32: Line 6

Sonnet 17: Line 7

Sonnet 20: Line 8

Sonnet 8: Line 9

Sonnet 3: Line  10

Sonnet 19: Line 11

Sonnet 22: Line 12

Sonnet 6: Line 13

Sonnet 14: Line 14

Now using sonnet 123 as a reference you can obtain from each line the letter number n with n= the number of the sonnet that was in that line

05 m

29 i

27 s

09 u

18 n

32 d

17 e(m) There is a typo on this one and the letter ends up being m when it should have been e

20 r

08 s

03 t

19 a

22 n

06 d

14 s

stl.la/misunderstands leads a to a page called Cyrilic


Богатый человек, я найду тебя.

Я знаю, что ты разрушил и то, что ты украл.

Верни мне мое сокровище, или я буду охотиться на тебя до конца 

моих дней и за пределами, если это будет необходимо.


Rich man, I'll find you.

I know what you destroyed and what you stole.

Give me back my Treasure or I'll hunt for you till the end of my days and beyond, if this will be necessary.